Thank you Mark for all the different options, very useful!

I have another question, which may require a new thread, but here goes.

We have chosen to not give our list managers "Administrative" access to their 
lists. We feel there are too many options that could be changed that could be 
detrimental to a list. Therefore we're only giving them the Moderator password 
so that they can use the 'who' command to obtain membership reports on their 

Some of these 'list admins' are used to being able to 'unsubscribe' members 
without the member having to confirm via the email confirmation. Our old system 
would unsubscribe the member and send a notice that they were removed from the 

Other than relying on the bounce mechanism or by knowing the members password 
to remove them, is there any way for a list moderator to accomplish this task? 
Perhaps access to the 'Membership List' only?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


Ed Beu, System Programmer
Dept. of Administration, ETS

-----Original Message-----
From: Mailman-Users [] 
On Behalf Of Mark Sapiro
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2016 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] display members moderator flag

On 08/03/2016 10:46 AM, Beu, Ed (DOA) wrote:
> Other than browsing through the membership listing in the GUI and looking for 
> unchecked mod settings, to identify who may post unmoderated, is there a 
> script that would display this type of information?

Beginning with Mailman 2.1.21, Mailman's bin/list_members script has
options to list just the moderated or unmoderated members.

There is also a withlist script at
<> (mirrored at
<>) that can do this.

> I've searched through archives and did a fair share of google searches, but 
> not finding anything specific to this. Perhaps a feature request to make the 
> membership listing sort capable some day would satisfy my needs.

There is also a script at
<> (mirror
<>) that can
run on your work station and screen scrape the admin Membership List and
write a CSV which can be imported to a spreadsheet ans searched/sorted
as you like.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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