On Tue, 2017-01-17 at 13:27 -0600, Scott Neader wrote:
> Thanks for your support and understanding, Mark, and especially for not
> making us feel bad or looking down upon us for utilizing such a control
> panel system to support our customers and their myriad needs.

Scott, I apologize to you, and to anyone else, if you feel that I was
looking down on you. It was not my intent. I have my opinions about
Linux and system administration, and they're not shared by everyone.
FMP Computer Services is a very small hosting service, one might even
call it "boutique", and we don't use cPanel, or any other control panel
system. Customers do fine without it, and can call on me, personally,
if they need any configuration set-up or services other than those
presented at account setup.

It does seem, though, that as we rely more heavily on complex packaging
and management systems, simple solutions to simple problems get lost in
the shuffle.

Again, I'm sorry for any insult or offense to anyone on this list.

Can I have some barbecue sauce on my crow ;)

Lindsay Haisley       |  "Humor will get you through times of no humor
FMP Computer Services |      better than no humor will get you through
512-259-1190          |         times of humor."
http://www.fmp.com    |            - Butch Hancock

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