On 07/19/2018 04:16 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Mailman can be configured to remove DKIM related headers from incoming mail before sending.


I'm lumping various in as well, which I'm not aware of Mailman being able to remove.


I think there are others that fall into the same category, but I don't recall them at the moment.

When first implemented, this was done unconditionally. There were strenuous objections, see the thread at <https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-developers/2007-February/019346.html>, and removal was made conditional on REMOVE_DKIM_HEADERS which defaults to No.


The bottom line is that the DKIM standard (RFC 6376) says that invalid signatures SHOULD NOT be treated differently fro no signature, and people feel the invalid signature may have forensic value.

I agree that headers should not be modified between the sender and the recipient. The catch is, I believe the mailing list is the recipient and a subsequent (re)sender of a very similar but different message. As such, I think that DKIM (and related) headers in a message going to a mailing list are unrelated to DKIM (and related) headers in a message coming from a mailing list.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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