On 12/9/18 10:14 AM, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> In my quest to run Mailman3, I obtained a VM running Ubuntu 18.04 and
> started on getting to run Mailman3.
> I found this link -> https://github.com/iomarmochtar/mailman3_ei
> It has instructions which looked fairly simple to get Mailman3 installed.
> However, I did encounter some hitches since the script is not meant for
> Ubuntu.

First, a more appropriate list for Mailman 3 is

Also, we find it very difficult to address issues arising from third
party packages and how-tos. See <https://wiki.list.org/x/12812344>.

And, there is a Mailman 3 package for Debian/Ubuntu

apt install mailman3-full

> With a few runs and observing the logs and modifying the script at every
> step it encountered and error, I finally managed to install Mailman3. It
> seems this is what you guys call a virtual environment in the Linux world?
> :-)

I think the virtual environment in this case is a Python thing, not a
Linux thing.


Much of what I snipped is specific to
<https://github.com/iomarmochtar/mailman3_ei>, the details of which I'm
not interested in learning.

>>From this point now is where I need help - serious help in smoothening
> things up and getting to understand these venv stuff!
> So I did run 'service mailman3 start' but this seems to be waiting for too
> long to drop me back into the CLI.
> I also run 'systemctl start supervisord' and that seems to work. What I am
> not sure is whether 'systemctl stop supervisord' actually does what it is
> expected to do because after I execute it, I still see processes running
> that I think are related.
> So far, I have been able to access the webUI on my VM using
> https://N.N.N.N:9090
> I created a domain.
> But when I create a test list, I get an error - and I do not have a clue
> which logfile would have the error details - nginx or mailman... (I am 100%
> new to nginx).

The nginx logs generally aren't too useful. Both Mailman core and Django
write logs. Core's log is probably in var/log/mailman.log where is
defined in mailman.cfg as var_dir. Django's log is defined in Django's
settings in the LOGGING setting.

> So now, I am stuck at:
> 1. Creating the mailing list
> 2. Getting to know whether the archiver is installed and running
> 3. Knowing is there are cron jobs to be running (Mailman2 type of thinking!)


> Ultimately I need to figure out:
> 1. How the mailman queue runners are started and stopped

mailman start

> 2. Migrate s few lists from Mailman2 to this Mailman3

mailman import21
<django management> hyperkitty_import

> 3. Mailman3 should use MySQL storage and Exim4 as the MTA (I have
> configured these bits in mailman.cfg)

You also need to configure MySQL in Django. See the DATABASES setting in
the Django settings.
Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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