On 12/17/2019 10:24 AM, Ethan Rudnitsky wrote:
  the issue with the server/MTA bring offline is a known and
unavoidable issue because of lack of satellite availability overhead for
most of the day unfortunately.

That is an entirely avoidable issue. When a destination MTA is offline/busy (which happens all the time and is accounted-for in SMTP), the sending MTA usually queues the messages and retries in 15/30/120 minutes, and usually keeps that up for at least 24 hours. If the sending MTA is giving up immediately and returning a failure, IMHO it's misconfigured (knowing the exact error code returned is important, here).

That said, the operator(s) of that server may not be interested in fixing the problem.

Do the satellite-served list members receive every message eventually or are they content to only receive ones sent during their connectivity window? If the -do- get all the messages eventually then they are being retried and the temporary failure is being counted as a bounce.


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