On Friday, January 31, 2020, 01:45:36 PM EST, Brian Carpenter 
<brian_carpen...@emwd.com> wrote:
 On 1/31/20 12:03 AM, Tim H via Mailman-Users wrote:
>  I just moved a cluster of domains to TMDHosting.com
> I had two Mailman mailing lists on the old service.  I made a gziped tarball 
> of the entire account using the usual tool. Staff at TMD brought it over and 
> in minutes all my files were in place.
> But. They do not have Mailman in cPanel. They do not have Mailman available 
> in Softalicious.  This is a shared hosting type of account.  I don't have 
> root access to the server.
> Their suggestion was to create an email address the same as the mailing list 
> address, then use that to set up BCC to a group of contacts in Roundcube.
> So I tried to create mymailingl...@mydomain.com
> I could not create the address. Instead I got an error message saying a 
> mailing list with that address already exists.
> But the address does not show up in the list of email addresses in cPanel, 
> so, I cannot delete it.
> I didn't think about the Mailman mailing lists when I set up to do the 
> transfer.  I took the time to save the member lists and some of the archives, 
> but I should have gone ahead and deleted the lists. I did not suspect that 
> the new service would not have Mailman.  Every web service provider I've been 
> with in years and years has had Mailman.
> So - what now?  Anyone on TMDHosting?  Have you been where I just landed?
> Thanks.
> Tim
> ------------------------------------------------------

Hi Tim,

Screenshots of what you are seeing would be helpful. Are you sure 
Mailman is not accessible via cPanel? They are under Mailing Lists in 
the Email section of cPanel. Mailing lists and email accounts are 
treated as separate services on a cPanel server. Also Mailman is not 
available via Softaculous.

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

Thank you for your business. We appreciate our clients.
Brian Carpenter


I am sure that Mailman is not accessible via cPanel.  Screen shot attached. 
Thank you for confirming that Mailman is not available via Softalicious. That 
I opened a support ticket with TMD. The 2 email addresses that were the SendTo 
addresses for the old Mailman lists were brought over in the transfer. They 
were invisible to me.  A senior tech deleted them, and created normal email 
addresses in their place. They recommend I use Roundcube and Contact Groups 
instead.  That's not a mailing list. If there were a function in Roundcube for 
"on receipt of new message, send to the Group Contact List", I'd be fine. 
Minimal but it would work. 
- Tim 

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