Yes I did check the permissons several times, everything is fine. And no, SELinux was and still is disabled.

Am 26.04.2020 um 18:37 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
On 4/26/20 9:05 AM, Lothar Schilling wrote:
Hi everybody,

today I tried to migrate our whole mailman installation to another server.

Old server: Centos 6.10, Mailman 2.1.29, Python 2.6.6

New server: Centos 7.7, Mailman 2.1.30 (from the tgz file), Python 2.7.5

It seemed to be an easy transition. But then I started to realize I've
run into problems. For example, I can't release a moderated message.
Also, I cannot switch users from moderated to not moderated or hidden to
unhidden. The error logs look like this:

Apr 26 17:38:16 2020 (11727) Uncaught runner exception: [Errno 1]
Operation not permitted

It looks like you have permission issues. Have you run Mailman's

Do you have SELinux enabled? If so, try disabling it.

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