As a lowly list admin with a number of cPanel-hosted Mailman2 lists, I cannot avail myself of such tools without opening a ticket with my ISP.  While they have been very responsive in the past, I don't feel that's a generosity of which I should frequently avail myself. Also, I wanted to have a backup from which I could recreate any list, as well as a tracking process for all changes I make.

So I wrote two Rexx program, one to extract the membership information, including all the admin settings available via the web interface.  The other program extracts almost all of the list configuration settings/values accessible via the admin web interface.  ("Almost all" because some screens have never changed from their defaults, and I haven't gotten around to including them.)

All they require is the Regina interpreter and the REXX/CURL function library (libcurl), both GPL'd offerings, if anyone is at all interested.


On 9/20/2020 6:38 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 9/20/20 1:42 PM, Brian Carpenter wrote:
On 9/20/20 4:35 PM, Steven Jones wrote:
I cant find anything on extracting a list's settings, owners etc and
then using those to create a new list on a new domain.

Is there a simple operational command to extract and inject?

The tool for this is mailman's bin/config_list which can both esport and
import list configuration but not list membership.

Do you have root or admin access to the server? There are tools in the
bin directory that allows for such functions via the command line. You
can retrieve your list roster using the who command via email. Also the
list/listname/config.pck has all that information but again you need to
have root access to the server to retrieve that. Here are some
directions to use the WHO command:

As Brian notes, the email `who` command can be ysed to extract list
membership as can the command line bin/list_members, and either of these
lists can be used as input to bin/add_members or the admin Mass
Subscribe function, but these operations do not preserve user options,
passwords, etc.

The one single way to move everything is to obtain a copy of Mailman's
lists/<listname>/config.pck file and move it, and maybe also get the
lists archives/private/<listname>.mbox/<listname>.mbox file and use it
to rebuild the archive.

See <> for more info.

All the above assumes the new domain is on a different server. If it is
just a different virtual domain on the same server, see

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