for example the pixel image to track who open the email, i need for knows how many user open the email.

there are a similiar report in mailchimp.

someone know a platform who help me to track the email list

On 09/02/2021 07:54 p. m., Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Jesus Rivas writes:

  > Hi, is a old subject, but someone know some platform for email tracking???

What do you mean by "email tracking"?

If you mean determining whether a message was received or read, email
is basically fire-and-forget.  There are some protocols for
determining if a message was received or read.  In particular, you
will normally get a "bounce" if a message is not received by the
addressee's mail host.  This is implemented by the mail transfer agent
(MTA) that handles the Internet side of email, and is generally
reliable.  If you don't get a bounce, you may presume the message was
received by the addressee domain.

There is a protocol (most recent version seems to be RFC 8098) for
requesting a receipt when the message is process by a message user
agent (MUA), and perhaps other agents such as mediators (eg, mailing
lists) and message delivery agents (MDA, eg, procmail).  I have no
idea which agents implement this, and it's entirely up to the MUA (or
the user) to decide whether to respond to such a request.  You can
use the protocol, but you can't expect responses.


Cualquier duda estoy a tus ordenes.
Dios te bendiga.
Jesús Rivas

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