Thomas Schachtner writes:

 > i would like to use Mailman 2.1 for my own mailing lists.
 > I don't know if this is important, but I am using ISPConfig as
 > hosting software. Mailman is installed as a module there.

Never heard of it.  Do you have shell access to the host?  If not,
you're going to need cooperation from somebody who does, or if you're
very lucky, from somebody who knows how to get ISPConfig to do what
you need to do.

 > I would like to have a making list address:
 > There's already a web site named which should remain.
 > Unfortunately Redirect directives in the .htaccess file of that web
 > site do not work, maybe due to the "cgi-bin" in the Mailman
 > websites' URLs.

What webserver are you using?  If it's Apache, you need to enable CGI
execution for the Location with the cgi-bin scripts.  I think you can
do the latter with .htaccess files but there may be a site-wide
configuration for that.

 > So what I need is a way to put the web sites for the mailing lists
 > into another domain (let's say while the mail
 > addresses for the mailing lists still use the domain
 > Can that be accomplished with mailman?

Yes.  How to do it depends on whether you have a shared host and your
domains are "virtual" domains, or if you have the host (specifically
its IP address(es)) all to yourself.  If you have the whole host, then
you just need to find the file (usually it's in
/etc/mailman/ and edit the DEFAULT_URL_HOST to the web host
domain.  Add it if it is not there, in the form

DEFAULT_URL_HOST = ''    # The quote marks are required.

and make sure the line


is present.  If it's a virtual domain, we'll have to hope Mark or
Abhilash shows up soon because I'm not going to have time to figure it
out for several days.  I think there is probably an entry in the FAQ.

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