On lists.gnu.org, we have some 3300 mailman lists. Is there any way to
know, or even probabilistically guess, which have pending subscriptions,
short of running list_requests on every one? 

For pending messages, we can look for the presence of heldmsg-* files in
the mailman data dir (/var/lib/mailman/data for us), but I've been
unable to discern the existence of pending subscriptions anywhere except
in config.pck.

I also couldn't discern a way to grep in config.pck (which would be much
faster than list_requests). Is there some sequence that will only appear
with pending subscriptions? Looking at one list with a pending
subscription now, I see the byte string e64d 4b07 4b05 741d 014b 5574 4110
occuring before the address that wants to subscribe, but not sure if
that, or any part of it, would be a reliable thing to look for.

We appear to be running mailman 2.1.29. Not sure if it is the distro
version (Trisquel GNU/Linux 9.0.2) or installed from the original
source, but guessing that probably doesn't matter for this.

Any info greatly appreciated. --thanks, karl.
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