On 1 Oct 2014, at 1:04, Mike Townsley wrote:

The problem: Any outgoing mail is stuck in the Drafts folder with a "Pending submission" State.


Things I've tried:
+ I have taken the account offline and back online

In any case, the state of the IMAP account should not affect the ability to send messages.

+ Changed the ports

In any case, for Google Apps it should work without an explicitly configured port.

+ Watch the Activity Viewer while "sending" a message (no resulting activity for the problem account).

That's a sign that MailMate cannot connect to the server at all. With regard to error-reporting this is not handled well by MailMate since, as you have seen, the messages stay quietly in the Drafts mailbox.

+ I can send emails from Mail.app. Exactly the same smtp settings for both applications.

Nevertheless, the most likely explanation is that there is some kind of difference. Note that MailMate does not (currently) update existing drafts with changed SMTP settings. You have to create a new draft and send it to test SMTP changes.

Could you send me the following two files off list (right-click my name and choose “Reply to ...”):

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Sources.plist
        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Submission.plist

+ I can't "Open in Apple Mail" for messages in the problem account, but I can for the conventional gmail account.

That does not seem to be a related problem. Also, the behavior of this does not depend on the account. MailMate simply takes the Message-ID of the message, creates a `message:` URL, and then asks Apple Mail to open it. It'll only work if the message exists in Apple Mail.

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