It would be nice to:

-- Have more and longer options for Synchronize Schedule, such as Daily (at which point it might be nice to be able to specify the time, since for every 10 minutes it doesn't really matter, but for daily, you may want it in the morning just before work or something. For Weekly, it returns to a state where time of day isn't important.

-- Be able to access the Synchronize Schedule contextual menu when multiple mailboxes are selected.

By the way, the Send Later option, which can be included as a default field, and the default time can be specified, is really great for slowing down annoying conversations: Just set it for a day or three in the future and it takes the wind out of your chatty correspondent.

On 14 Jan 2015, at 19:58, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:


How can I get mailmate to only fetch mail when I want to fetch mail ?

Trying to get in a habit of only checking mail three times a day and if I could get mailmate to
stop fetching new mails that would be great :)

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