OK, thanks for the clarification.

On 3 Feb 2015, at 20:45, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Feb 2015, at 10:22, Matthew Cawood wrote:

An update: Devontech just put out an email noting that it's possible to drop *.mbox files onto the Devonthink dock icon to activate import.

I tried that with a MailMate *.mailbox file. It works!

I think I should clarify a bit here. A `.mbox` file is not the same as a `.mailbox` *folder*. I think DevonThink simply scans the folder and finds the `.eml` files within it.

It is quite likely that it would work better if MailMate supported exporting to `.mbox` file(s).

(Also note, that it's not always safe to access the files stored by MailMate directly. It's a moving target if MailMate is active.)

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