I use MailMate on my home computer but other email clients when I'm away. Those 
other email programs have "snooze" functions that let me remove emails from the 
Inbox until a later time that I choose, when they re-arrive at the top of those 
programs' inbox list so I can deal with them. I've noticed that when I'm in 
MailMate, I'll see the "new message" notification indicate that the "unsnoozed" 
message has arrived, but in the inbox that message has stayed down at the place 
of its original arrival rather than at the time of its newly unsnoozed arrival. 
I'd like it to appear at the top of the inbox when it's unsnoozed. I tried 
adding the column for Date Received (Relative), but that didn't do the trick. 
Is there any way to accomplish this?

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