Relating to attachments: Is there a way to bulk save everything with one click, rather than one by one?

Or is this another thing I asked about before and forgot .... :-)

On 31 Mar 2015, at 18:45, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 30 Mar 2015, at 20:44, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:

I've noticed this for a few types of email attachments, but, at the moment, it seems most repeatable with HTML -- basically, the attachments all list out at the bottom of the mail, but if I click on Quick Look, there's a display of the HTML for only a fraction of a second, before it turns into a grey panel.


The HTML attachments render fine on iOS Mail or in, or if I save them and open in Safari or whatnot, but, I'd prefer not to.

Very understandable. I don't think I've had identical reports, but I'm not 100% on that. Is it reproducible with specific emails or is it more like random behavior?

We should probably debug off list since it's not unlikely to require some work if I cannot reproduce it.

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