On 19 May 2015, at 6:36, Andreas Jung wrote:

I have been using Mailmate for three weeks now - with very mixed feelings.

Thanks for trying out MailMate and providing feedback in the process. I know it may feel like feedback is some times going into a black hole, but it really doesn't. (I know I haven't replied to all tickets you have created.) I hope you might return to MailMate some day and find that it lives up to your requirements.

As a longtime Postbox user I've been pissed lately by the bad support of Postbox Inc and some painful bugs in the stability of Postbox - so I came to Mailmate.

To be fair, I think Postbox is pretty clear about support only being provided when explicitly paying for it.

However Mailmate also has tons of minor and major issues. Ok, no software is bugfree. But the density of minor flaws in Mailmate (that I would not expect
from a 1.9 version) is annoying.

Fair enough. The trial period exists to make sure that show stoppers can be found before buying.

Some of my highlight bugs:

- invalid counters for unread mails for *some* folders

Yes, that one annoys me too, but it was my impression that there was no longer a debug opportunity: https://freron.lighthouseapp.com/projects/58672/tickets/1119

- "default columns" do not work as expect, reverting the default columns
for a folder is not persisted properly

Yes, this does not work well for certain standard folder types (sent, junk, ...). Unfortunately, improving this most likely requires a fundamental redesign of how it works and I cannot promise that'll happen soon.

- being unable to remove an imap folder containing message without prior
removing all mails manually (major usability pain in the ass)

As I stated in [the ticket](https://freron.lighthouseapp.com/projects/58672/tickets/1157-unable-to-delete-imap-folders#ticket-1157-1) I am willing to prioritize this if it's very important to you. I don't see this as a “major usability pain in the ass” since I don't think a lot of users frequently delete IMAP mailboxes containing emails. As also stated in the ticket, it's not a quick fix, because MailMate has multiple checks to ensure that non-empty IMAP mailboxes are never deleted.

There is a hidden preference to enable the “Empty Mailbox” menu item for all IMAP mailboxes. That might reduce some of the pain:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmEmptyMailboxMenuItemEnabled -bool YES

(I think it only works in the latest test release though.)

- incomplete and half-baked implementation of the "mailboxes" tree...being
unable to arrange mailboxes as needed using drag & drop

There is certainly potential for improvement in this area.

- fragile rule engine...hard to debug why email rules work sometimes and sometimes

For debugging, I recommend creating a smart mailbox with the same conditions as used by the rule. That should make it easy to see what is matched and what is not matched.

- usability issues with the signing and encryption UI where the signing/lock icons are set or enabled when it does not make sense (e.g. no key available for a recipient)

Yes, this could be more flexible. Currently, it simply errs on the safe side. It would be worse if it silently did not sign/encrypt when the user expected to be warned if it was not possible.

Most of the issues have been reported as feedback or as bugreports.

And thanks for that.

What is my point?

Mailmate is not a bad application and I appreciate that the maintainer
cares more about productivity and power-user features than implementing
useless features that nobody needs. However Mailmate has a serious
quality assurance problem. A lot of features are only half implemented
and not stable or usable. What is the point? Mailmate costs 45 EURO
compared to 15 EUR for Postbox compared to nothing for Mail.app.

Well, you already stated what your problem with Postbox is. I wrote this (and many other replies) for free. Getting the same number of responses from Postbox support would have cost you a fortune ;-) As an added bonus, I've spent time ignoring the use of words such as “ass”, “stupid”, and “suck”. That's not as easy as one might think.

(Oh, and good luck getting feedback replies from Apple.)

I guess feedback should be a two-way street: I don't know about other developers, but I think you would get both more and better responses by toning down your language a bit. I'm certainly not motivated by being told how much this or that suck. I'm perfectly aware of all the bugs and short-comings of MailMate. I am, by far, its worst critic and I have no idea why *anyone* would want to use MailMate. That is also why I continue to work on MailMate. I want it to be good enough to deserve *my own* praise.

The conclusion is: all mail applications for Mac suck in their own special
way - only the price differs.

I really don't know how to respond to that. If you are in a situation where you need a discount then let me know. I'm not going to lower the price in general. And don't get me wrong. If I was working on MailMate for the money then I would be more stupid than the shortcomings of MailMate are.

Again, thanks for sharing your trial experience with MailMate.

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