Hi --

I've been seeing a rising tide of unexpected quits and freezes (as in, spinning rainbow pizzas of death). The first sign of this was unexpected quits that happened when I tried to edit replies in GPG-encrypted conversations, but since then the problems have become much more common -- roughly 1 out of 3 times I interact with Mailmate at all, including something as simple as pulling clicking on a menubar counter.

From time immemorial the generic advice for fixing this kind of problem for any app(lication) was: reinstall it! But I use Mailmate to check several accounts, so I'd really like to keep the amount of work involved to a bare minimum. Is there a clear set of steps I should follow to try to solve this problem?

One possible clue: for a long time before these crashes/freezes started happening, I was seeing keyboard lag problems -- sometimes a periodic lag of a second or two while I'm typing a message.

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