Very helpful. Thanks very much.
Can you say a little bit to get me started on smart folders? How to use the 4 tabs: Mailboxes, Conditions, Submailboxes, Rules?

On 20 Apr 2016, at 23:45, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:

Howard Wettstein 2016-04-21 15:33 wrote:

The yellow box: Blocked 1 external reference. I’m sure it’s a security thing but I’m not sure what or how. What’s that about? Is there a way to turn it off.

Yes it's a security thing, go to "Preferences… -> Security" and there you have the image blocking settings.

Apple Mail and Postbox (I’ve used them) support rules, so that one can move inbox messages to pre-assigned folders. I don’t see how to do that, except with smart folders that I’ll mention in a minute.

In MailMate you set them per mailbox. Right click e.g. the "Inbox" and select "Edit mailbox". Last tab is "Rules".

Rules are only run on mail as they are added to a mailbox. In other mail clients I used a lot of rules, in MailMate I almost only use the smart folders instead.

Smart folders seem very useful, but I don’t know what I’m doing. I have a pretty elaborate folder structure that was imported from a university gmail account that I was using through Apple Mail.

Smart folders are saved searches and they are really smart and really fast. I file away everything in "Archive" and use smart folders to bring order.

I prefer them from normal folders since I can have mail shop up in multiple smart folders. A mail can e.g. shop up in a company smart folder and a project smart folder at the same time.

With smart folders it' also easy to make changes without needing to move any messages.

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