On 27 Apr 2016, at 7:05, Mark Derricutt wrote:

Ack - one thing that I immediate notice, hotkeys for next (unread) message no longer work when the folder is clicked on :( I have to then click into a specific message list.

I'm not sure I know which shortcut behaviour you are referring to? The `J`/`K`/`arrow keys`, `cmd-alt-arrowkeys`, they all work for me. They do only interact with one panel at the time, so if you want to go to the next (unread) message in another panel, you'll have to switch which panel is focused (don't know if there are shortcuts for that).

I did however retain the keyboard shortcut `ctrl+alt+cmd+c` which toggles the thread/tag and correspondence panels (they are children of the same parent panel which is the actual one that gets toggled).

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