Hi list, I'm new here.

I'm using MailMate 1.9.4 (5234), and it is very helpful for me to be able view a column that shows either a message's list-id header, or a concatenation of some headers from bugzilla. I do that with the following file:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/MmMessagesOutlineView/outlineColumns.plist:
    columns = {
        "identifier" = {
            title = "List-Id";
            sortKey = "list-id.identifier";
            formatting = {
                formatString = "${list-id.identifier}";
                placeholderString = "";
        minimumWidth = 10;

        "bugzilla-status" = {
            title = "BZ Status";
            sortKey = "X-Bugzilla-Status";
            formatting = {
formatString = "${X-Bugzilla-Status:+${X-Bugzilla-Status} }";
                placeholderString = "";

        "bugzilla-assigned" = {
            title = "BZ Assigned";
            sortKey = "X-Bugzilla-Assigned-To";
            formatting = {
formatString = "${X-Bugzilla-Assigned-To:+${X-Bugzilla-Assigned-To} }";
                placeholderString = "";

        "list_bz_meta" = {
            title = "List-Id or BZ Info";
            sortKey = "list_bz_meta";
            formatting = {
formatString = "${list-id.identifier}${X-Bugzilla-Status:+${X-Bugzilla-Status} for ${X-Bugzilla-Assigned-To}}";
                placeholderString = "";

The list_bz_meta is the column I'd like to use. This column always functions as expected for some period of time after starting MailMate (an hour or so), however at some point it will transition to a state where it will not show any text for newly arriving messages. Restarting MailMate fixes it up again.

I've turned up the logging, nothing seems relevant other than: "Warning: Unknown field parser 'list-id.body'" at startup or when viewing an outline for a mailbox for the first time. That message is still output even if I remove my outlineColumns.plist file entirely.

Any tips about how I might get this column to work reliably?

Thanks for any help,
mailmate mailing list

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