Benny wrote:
> Is there a keybinding that will make MailMate open a new viewer window? I want to use it as part of a compound binding, for example:
> >     "?" = "newMessagesViewerWindow:", "searchAllMessages:" );
I believe this should work:

"s" = ( "newMessagesViewerWindow:", "searchAllMessages:" );
(But the layout is going to be the default layout.)

It works like a champ, Benny. Thanks... I'll put it in my reference file that I'm building.

I swear to god that I did a lot of googling and could not find that keybinding. Thanks for sharing.

In another message, Benny writes:
> For myself, my priorities would be:
> > $30 - "makeNewViewerWindow:" binding that could be used in compound key bindings. > I've answered this in another email although it might not be exactly what you were looking for. > > $10 - "recenterLine:" to recenter the currently viewed message in a message list binding (works in normal Cocoa programs).
Late April I added this:

New: Added centerSelectionInVisibleArea: for the mailbox/message lists (bound to ⌃L by default).
This did not do what you were looking for?

Hmmm.  I hadn't tried it yet.  My bad.  Again, works like a champ.      
> $50 - Programmatic way to access messages (and message components such as Subject, Body, etc) using some API. Either Applescript (via the performCommand binding) or whatever. This would allow me to duplicate some of my workflows from

It's possible to create a custom bundle command which can then be triggered using the perform AppleScript command, but I know that it would also be useful if there was more direct access via AppleScript -- especially when adapting existing scripts. I'll give it some more thought.

Yes, I saw that with my "OpenInOutlook" hacked bundle that I slammed together. Thanks for your guidance on that (especially the part about how you do the UUID :-)

I'll clean up the script and release it to the mailing list in case there are others who use MailMate along with Microsoft's Outlook for calendaring. The bundle command that I added allows me to press Shfit-Ctrl-O to open up the corresponding message in Outlook so that I can a) see the date/time of the appointment, b) what events are around it, c) comment back to the meeting request, etc.

The bounties shouldn't be the only factor that Benny should use. I would hate to see MM evolve into a purely "bourgeois" model where those with the most amount of money get a voice in feature requests.

I assure you that if I was motivated only by money then MailMate simply wouldn't exist :)

Oh, I don't doubt that at all. I can see it's a labor of love -- producing an elegant, powerful and extensible powerful tool that is leveraged by power-users.

In another email to Kee Hinckley, Benny wrote:
It's nice if people are willing to pay for a specific feature, but I cannot really make a living of that. The price of a feature would have to be more than most people would be able to pay. I also see a myriad of other potential problems :-) I'm probably also getting closer to a point where fixing/improving existing features is going to be more important than adding new (major) features. This is an important subject though (for me) since the lack of major new features are going to make it hard to do 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 feature releases — and 2.0 is free for all 1.x license key owners (at least those bought after October, 2013). I've already proven that I'm not very good at bumping version numbers :) Essentially, license keys bought by new users are currently the only potential revenue (except when users do like you have done). I'm considering how to best move forward, but let me just assure existing users that I have no plans to stop developing MailMate.

Music to all of our ears!

I just bought an additional license of MailMate, as well. Please take a friend out to Ruby and have a drink on me.

Thanks to Kee Hinckley for the idea and example.

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