On 23 Oct 2016, at 16:53, Charlie Garrison wrote:

On 22 Oct 2016, at 2:45, Bill Cole wrote:

This seems like an excessively complex alternative to the "Prefer plain text" checkbox in the Preferences->Viewer pane...

But doesn’t that apply to all mailboxes?

Yes. Which is how the FSM intended all email to be and to be read: plain text in the One True Encoding, US-ASCII. :)

I don’t want plain-text for __everything__, just one mailbox, so I can rid of overly big html/images (feels like its inspired by Facebook) from new mailing list system.

I see no way to do that. I *had* thought it might be possible with the "All Message Subparts" mailbox but apparently "All" does not include the top-level subparts of a multipart/alternative as separate subparts.
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