
Thanks for your question. I had been meaning to research this for a while and hadn’t gotten around to it until now.

Like most things related to iCalendar and CalDAV, it’s super hard to find information on event replies. The short story is that replies are done by sending an iCalendar file back to the organizer with METHOD:REPLY and certain fields filled out.

The format of reply iCalendar files is defined by the iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP), [RFC 5546]( See section [3.2.3]( for details and [4.2]( for an example.

The iCalendar reply can be sent as an email attachment or via Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV, [RFC 6638]( I haven’t grok’d that standard, but see [Appendix B]( for an example that mostly makes sense.

Hope this helps!

On 13 Oct 2017, at 19:26, Jonas Kemper wrote:

Hi everybody!

I'm trying to wrap my head around how RSVPing to calendar invites works. I appreciate how easy this is for example in gmail/outlook.

Now, my situation might be a little bit specific. I have no offline calendar configured whatsoever. This means, that I don't care that the calendar event sent is important in a calendar. I just want to RSVP to the invite. As far as I have understood the standard at this point, this should basically just be another email reply with another .ics file attached. I might be wrong about this though.

Has anybody dealt with this before? My ideal scenario would be control elements to respond with "yes/no/maybe" in Mailmate whenever a meeting invite comes in.

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