On 6 Nov 2017, at 5:13, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Thanks for the detailed idea.

Thanks for considering it!

I'm thinking it might be a performance issue to call a script for every image (there can be a lot of them in a single email).

I was thinking you’d invoke the script once for each email, at display time. Does that change things for you? The process on your side would look something like:

on display_html_email:
        proc = run(uri_approver)
        for image in remote_images:
                result = proc.read()
                if result is 'allow':

It might be nice with a more flexible solution, but if all you want is a regular expression to allow certain images then I already implemented `MmAllowedImageURLRegexp`. For example:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmAllowedImageURLRegexp -string "https://(freron\.com|example\.com)/.*"

Hmm, it appears I've “forgotten” to document this. Maybe because I didn't really finish this feature. I would have liked to also handle a `MmDisallowedImageURLRegexp`. Let me know if you need that.

Hey, that’s great. It means I’ll have to deal with a long, ugly regular expression, but I can tolerate that I think. I don’t think I need a deny pattern, since deny is MailMate’s default.

Thanks a lot!
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