Hi, I often deal with long-running email threads at work.  I have
Organize by Thread enabled for my work Inbox, and as I'm going through
my unread messages in the morning, when I get to an old thread with
new correspondence, I'm taken to the beginning of the thread rather
than the first unread message.  Is there a preference to change that

I already have a smart mailbox that includes only unread messages, but
I don't like using it, as I prefer to have the option to review
previously read messages in case I need the additional context.  I
also know there's a hotkey I can use to jump to the next unread
message, but was just wondering if perhaps there was a preference to
make that be the default behavior.

I'm not sure how that would work if you're not asking for “next
unread”. How are you selecting this thread?

Usually I just hit the spacebar at the prior message. Sometimes I use the down arrow.

What you really need is probably a different threading mode (which has
been on my todo forever) which allows you to display the newest message
at the top of the thread.

No that's not what I want. I think what I'm asking for is a mode, setting, or some method to determine when I'm in "reading new messages" mode. When in that mode, going past the end of a message would essentially invoke "Next Unread Message", without my having to remember the "Cmd-Opt-Down" keybinding for that operation.

Perhaps this is only really meaningful when Organize by Thread is in use?

Does that make sense?

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