On 25 Feb 2018, at 22:01, Eric Sharakan wrote:

In general, is it best to report MM issues here on this list, or at https://freron.lighthouseapp.com/projects/58672-mailmate/tickets?

The mailing list does appear to be where I some times reach “Inbox Zero” with respect to replying, but it doesn't mean that every issue is handled immediately. It might just end up on some todo list. The tickets do not always receive a reply, but I do read them all.

I'd say the list is for issues which might have a general interest or that someone else than me is just as likely to be able to answer (it has 461 subscribers at the time of writing). The ticket system is better for specific issues for which it makes sense to have a “state” (reproduced, fixcommitted, etc.).

But I don't care much which way an issue is reported (I also get a lot of private emails). It should be whatever the user is most comfortable using. Everything ends up in my Inbox anyways.

One thing to note is that I don't like to do debugging on the list since most people wouldn't want to get every email in a ping-pong debugging effort on some issue :)

I have a few tickets I submitted to the ticketing App about a month ago that have not gotten any attention.

Hopefully I'll get to them soon.

mailmate mailing list

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