On 13 Mar 2018, at 4:26, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Under the SpamSieve Score column there is no score shown, and under the Spam Score column the score is 0.000.

Only the first score is relevant in this case. It shows that MailMate never asked SpamSieve to evaluate the email.

This is an older message; is this happening because SpamSieve didn't evaluate my older messages? Is there an easy way to get SpamSieve to evaluate all the older existing messages in my inbox?

You can select emails and use “Message ▸ Junk State ▸ SpamSieve ▸ Evaluate” if you also want MailMate to move emails to Junk if they score more than 50. Use “Message ▸ Junk State ▸ SpamSieve ▸ Recompute Score” if you just want to know the score (I actually cannot remember if this also marks as Not Junk if that setting is enabled -- I guess it's kind of a bug if it doesn't).

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