On 18 May 2018, at 5:36, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 9 May 2018, at 15:57, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Is there a simple way to have toolbar search include both the body and the quoted text, i.e. the equivalent of 'b s4 or q s4' when searching for "s4"? If not, can I request a new search modifier key to do just that?

I think, in general, I have some users who would prefer an option to make `m` include quoted text. Part of my concern is that the performance of body text search is not very good, but I also like that it's possible to explicitly not search quoted text.

For now, maybe it'll be sufficient if I add that `M` searches like `m`, but includes quoted text?

Yeah, that would work.

(It is, by the way, possible to create your own search syntax. The current search syntax is handled by a ruby script which converts the search string into a MailMate query string.)

Like Max, I might play around with that Ruby script too. ;-)

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