On 18 Jun 2018, at 17:45, pleasespa...@posteo.net wrote:

Not sure if this mailing list can receive attachments,

It accepts small attachments (< 40 KB).

but my tags toolbar item has 4 blank items (as if there are four tags there, but with no words to indicate the tag) taking up space. Does anyone know how to resolve?

That's not a known issue. I believe you can see what is configured using this:

        defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmToggleTagList

I think you should also be able to reset it using this:

        defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmToggleTagList

Then relaunch.

If the above also helps you figure out how to reproduce the issue then let me know.

Also, my Inbox keeps removing the From column and adding the To column in its place. Not very helpful for my use case. Same question—how do I fix?

The best I can tell you without spending a lot of time on debugging is that you can reset all mailbox related states like this:

        defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates

I'm currently working on a new system for handling this and therefore would prefer not to try fixing the bugs in the old system :-)

mailmate mailing list

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