Any mail server “on the way” to those recipients could have classified your message as spam and dropped it in the bit bucket. From what I’ve seen, mail servers have a couple of spam thresholds: a lower confidence one where the message goes to the user’s Spam/Junk folder and a higher confidence one where the message is rejected outright. Depending on the server, it may or may not send a bounce back.

I’m curious if those two users are using different email providers than the rest of the folks on your message. I sometimes have delivery problems with and recipients.

I used the “Mail Tester” service to test how mail servers are likely to see my outgoing emails. There were a few things I could fix and more that my email host had to fix. Give it a try!

Hope this helps!

On 25 Sep 2018, at 7:02, Annamarie wrote:


This isn't really a MM tech question but it's an email question and maybe someone on this list has some insight...

To wit

I emailed 15 people and sent as a BCC so as not to share their emails with each other. Discovered yesterday that two of them hadn't received the mail. The addresses are correct (I've used them, copying and pasting from the actual email I sent), they are in the middle of the list. The mail didn't go into spam - it just didn't get there as far as I can tell.

Why would that happen? Any ideas?


Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)
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