On 25 Sep 2018, at 18:24, Stephen Callaghan wrote:

I'd like to create a Smart Mailbox based on an LDAP attribute of the sender. (e.g. their department)

I think the best way to do this is via Virtual Headers, but don't know how to create one based on an ldap search.

Does anyone have any pointers as to how to achieve this?

This is not possible. Technically, it would be possible to allow virtual headers for which the user supplies a command to fill out its value, e.g., to provide something like “From ▸ Address ▸ LDAP Department”, but it would be extremely slow if applied to a large set of emails. I guess it would work best as a built-in feature.

This is similar to some thoughts I've had on better Contacts integration and I'll add a note to make sure I remember that LDAP values would be useful as well.

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