On 7 Nov 2018, at 21:58, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:

Hi Eric,

Hi, I’m the happy recipient of a shiny new laptop and am configuring MailMate for it. Unhappily, I’m finding none of the many tags I’ve set on messages on my old laptop are visible on the new one. I guess that means none of my IMAP servers support saving tags.

Is there a way I can copy the tags over? Where are they stored on the client?

I regularly do this by copying the file:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Tags.plist

To new systems, or, between home/work, to keep them in sync. I make sure MailMate is not running anywhere when I copy the file, as well.

It's worked well for a few years, so far!



Thanks, that not only copied the list of pre-defined tags to my preferences (which I expected), but it also restored the tags on my messages in all my accounts but one, which was a pleasant surprise! So now I assume that one account doesn’t allow the client to store the IMAP keywords on the server. Is there any way to pull the tags off the messages on my old laptop and apply them to the new one?


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