I have three email addresses that I regularly send mail from through MailMate: two Gmail and one other. Each has its own signature as well. I've long since set

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultBccHeader -string "<.sender.>"

and I verified it just now with "defaults read." Indeed, whichever of my three addresses appears in the From pop-up when I open a composer window is auto-BCCed, as it should be.

For two of my three addresses, changing the sending address works perfectly. Whether I manually change the From address from the pop-up or enter a recipient that MailMate knows should receive mail from the other address, the BCC and the signature both change to match the new From address.

When I enter a recipient that MailMate knows should get mail from the third address (my other Gmail address, not this one), the BCC and signature also correctly change to match the new From address.

However, when I select the third From address from the pop-up menu, the BCC doesn't change, although the signature does.

Any ideas? (I'm running r5574. I just noticed this today when I updated, because I was playing with the new From pop-up; I don't know if it was a problem before.)

Shoshanna Green
mailmate mailing list

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