On 15 Mar 2019, at 4:49, Annamarie Pluhar wrote:

Hi all

Last time I asked for a keystroke it turned out that it was obvious so I’m going to ask for another. Is there one for “Load Once” to get the images that are embedded in an email to load? OR a preference I’ve missed OR??


Annamarie Pluhar

I don't know if there is a pre-existing keystroke for it, but I have the Load Once action bound to "L" (Shift + l) in my [MailMate keybindings](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/custom_key_bindings) file:

        "L" = "loadImagesOnce:";

It works as you would expect - loads the images in an email you're already viewing, but the next message you open will not have its images/external references loaded until you invoke Shift + l again. Hope this helps.

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