Dave C wrote (at 9:04 on 8 Jun 2019):

I do that (switch between MM and browser) tens of times a day, with one key press: Cmd-Tab. I click on a URL in a mail message and when I’m done viewing the page—Cmd-Tab brings MM back quickly. Nothing “non-optimal” I can see...

Robert wants to open multiple links in a browser *before* switching to the browser. In many apps, you can do that by holding the command key as you click the links; they open in the destination without losing the current focus. Having to switch apps back to the list of links every time you click a link is indeed non-optimal.

Robert Brenstein wrote:
I hope you manage to deal with this sooner than later. I am annoyed with switching apps several times a day. For example, I get results from automatic ebay searches daily, and typically click 5-9 links in the results. Being switched to browser and having to go back to MM after each click is way not optimal. I also get daily digests from several sources, where I click multiple links to view them later in my browser.

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