Try “View -> Layout -> Correspondence”


On 1 Sep 2019, at 6:37, Pat Maddox wrote:

If you mean “View -> Layout -> Thread Arcs,” that does show me a graphical representation of various messages in the thread, but with no indication of who sent them or when. I can use the keyboard to navigate to some of them, and others I have to click on, and when I click it pops up the message in a new window.

The behavior I’m missing from is, when I search for a name and a message is part of a thread, the entire thread immediately appears in a little expandable collection.

Forgive me if you mean something other than Thread Arcs layout, or that layout does provide more info than the little connected circles. I’m new to MailMate.


On 1 Sep 2019, at 3:24, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

Turn on layout threads and you get a sidebar next to the message with messages in same thread or subject.

On 1 Sep 2019, 12:07 +0200, Pat Maddox <>, wrote:
Hi, I frequently want to look up a thread, where I remember one of the correspondents. So I search for their name, which shows me any emails
from them, but not the entire thread.

So far what I’ve found is that I can “Go to Source” and then press
the “Find and display all messages from the same conversation”
button (which strangely doesn’t seem to have a keyboard shortcut that
I can see).

If I have to do it in two steps like that, I can adjust... but if
there’s a way to find an email via search and then navigate directly
to its entire thread, I would like to do that.

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