On 1 Aug 2019, at 15:00, Andrew Canion wrote:

One thing I do find distracting, though, are the sidebar spinners that animate as IMAP folders are refreshed.

Is there a way to hide this activity indicator, short of hiding the entire sidebar (which I don’t want to do).

No, there's no such setting. The problem is that it's the only real indication that MailMate is actively talking to a server. If it's not there then the user would never notice if there was some kind of issue, e.g., a problem triggering some kind of busy loop with a server.

Earlier on (in the previous implementation of the mailbox list), MailMate did delay the display of the spinner and that would (at least on fast connections) mean that spinners were not shown quite as often. When/if I re-introduce this then I could perhaps make this delay configurable in a way that would allow you to hide them most of the time... I'll at least make a note of it.

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