On 3 Oct 2019, at 19:23, Glenn Parker wrote:

I see occasional delays of 10 to 30 seconds when starting a reply message. My first guess, given the powerful search features of MailMate, is that a large database index is being rebuilt periodically. This may be related to personal configuration, since the reply address completion feature can be tweaked to draw from a potentially large dataset.

I'd actually doubt that. Creating the DB initially will take a while but updates should be pretty fast. I do see some delays when sending mails with attachments but reckon these are down to assembling everything. But basically without Benny's input and/or logging it's all idle speculation. If you can recreate things then maybe filing a bug is the best approach.

However, one thing I have noticed since 10.4.6 is occasional complete freezes of the mouse. Apple does, unfortunately, have a record of introducing random bugs in OS releases, especially as they prep for next major ones.


Charlie Clark
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