The mails are most likely send only once. I see that always with Office365 server where one of my accounts resides. Benny, I think, explained the technical reason for two entries in the Send mailbox a while ago.

On 4 Oct 2019, at 20:05, Jason Davies wrote:

Hi everyone

Short version: Is there a way to create a rule or smart mailbox for things via the 'state' column's information?

Long version: for reasons we can't avoid, I end up with duplicate outgoing mails. The only discernible difference is that one says 'Sent via [my address]', visible if I select 'state' in the Column view. But I can find no way to use this; even clicking on the heading doesn't sort them by 'state'.

The list of criteria for rules has various things for 'state' but they're all specific to other things. Is there a way to automatically get these messages?


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