AFAIK, the only way to make unread messages bold is through the Preferences. There is no standard ‘\\Unseen’ keyword, only ‘\\Seen’. The documentation for MailMate is weak in this area, but the keyword stuff is part of the IMAP standard for email servers (even then, there are deviations depending on your vendor).

If you use my exact plist file, *and* enable the **Bold font for unread messages** checkbox in the MailMate **Preferences** under the **Viewer** tab, you should get unread messages showing up in bold with a different color. Maybe you can tweak the configuration as desired once you get the basic feature working.

    {   styles = (
            {   type = keyword;
                keyword = ‘\\Flagged';
                color = "#FF6666";
            {    type = keyword;
                keyword = ‘\\Seen';
                color = "#888888";

Just in case you missed this, remember that you also need to execute the following command from a shell prompt:

    defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMessageColorsEnabled -bool YES

On 10 Oct 2019, at 22:24, Xebar Saram wrote:

thx again Glenn, truly appreciate the help

so this isnt working still. Also: i want to make the UNREAD messages bold and different color, is it Seen i need to use or perhaps Unseen? Is there documentation on this somewhere, couldn’t find any

this is the current pref file state

{   styles = (

        { type = keyword;
keyword = '\\Unseen';
color = "#FFDBAC";
fontStyle = "bold";

        {   type = mailbox;
            color = "#000000";
  // fontStyle = "bold";
            uuid = '';

        {   type = mailbox;
            color = "#1C3B91";
  //  fontStyle = "bold";
            uuid = '';


thx again


Glenn P. Parker
mailmate mailing list

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