On 12 Nov 2019, at 14:19, Andreas Borutta wrote:

Max Rydahl Andersen:

Good thing is that if you know of an editor that can do what you are
looking for then mailmate most likely can use it to edit/create the mail
for you :)

Hhhmmm. I can't imagine, that it feels comfortable to use an external
editor for composing, because while using it you cannot see the fields
"To" or "From" or "Subject".
They are in a different pane.

That's exactly how I use it: As soon as I tab into the message-area, BBEdit opens the edit message-window just beside MailMates one. I can see all the email-relevant fields (From, Subject, Date, To) in the MailMate-window while I'm using the whole editing power of BBEdit in the message window… the best of both worlds for me! :-)

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