Hi Randall,

   No, I was suggesting switching "profiles" between different MailMate opening.

Marc said that he wanted one instance handle its archive mailboxes and another one to its maintenance. So, I was saying to switch its data when he wants to do its maintenance and revert back for when he wants to do its normal stuff.

Therefore, that would be:

1. Run MailMate normally to do standard stuff
2. Close MailMate and move data
3. Open MailMate with new database and do the maintenance
4. Close MailMate and move back the data to return to normal stuff



On 18 May 2020, at 19:48, Randall Gellens wrote:

You're suggesting a script that:

(1) Runs MailMate
(2) Moves key files and folders while MailMate has them open
(3) Runs MailMate for second instance

Now there are two copies of MailMate running, one using the renamed files/folders, relying on file system semantics to keep the instances operating on the correct files?

When switching between apps (e.g., cmd-tab or Dock), how would one distinguish between the instances? Just the appearance of the viewer window?


On 18 May 2020, at 7:46, Guillaume Barrette wrote:

Before seeing TJ's email, I thought of a manual solution, but now I think SwitchUp may be a better solution (less risky).

However, if you want to try, you can simply create a script (or do it manually) that would switch between 2 sets of MailMate associated files (data).

In short, you would need to switch the directories/files at:

- ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate
- ~/Library/Preferences/com.freron.MailMate.plist
- ~/Library/Caches/com.freron.MailMate
- ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.freron.MailMate.savedState

To do that, you can move them out or rename them and MailMate will create a new set when it starts again. Then you can switch between those 2 sets and you should get what you want (if I'm not missing a file).

So, I would say, I won't give you any guarantee, but if you feel confident in manipulating those files, you should be fine. Do a backup before and the first 2 directories should be the 2 most important since they are your data and the 2 others mainly some cached data.

Hope this helps!



On 18 May 2020, at 7:22, TJ Luoma wrote:

http://www.irradiatedsoftware.com/switchup/ was an application
designed to do just that: let you run multiple separate apps as the
same user.

It's no longer in active development, but seems to work fine in
Catalina. There's a 60-day trial on its website.

The only downside is that it's no longer in active development,
although it is still for sale.
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