What you describe is a case when the account is taken offline in MM. Such a thing happened to me a couple times when one of my providers had problems for a while and MM could not connect. You can also take an account offline as a user, which I also did a few times.

If you go to the sources section, you can right-click on the account and the popup will have an option to take the account back online.

On 30 Sep 2020, at 20:40, Ken Pope wrote:

I’m using MM 1.13.2 (5673) on Catalina 10.15.7. Everything perfect until a few hours ago when: (a) although I can send mail, new mail doesn’t appear in my inbox; (b) my account (k...@kenpope.com) under “sources” turned red, and all the boxes under it went from black to light gray; & (c) although new mail doesn’t appear in the inbox, it *does* appear under “sources” if I highlight the red source account.

Although MM is my main client, I have 4 others (Mail, GyazMail, Airmail, & Postbox) that I use solely to download mail and provide backups—the k...@kenpope.com continues to download and appear in their inboxes.

Any idea about what’s gone wrong and how I can fix it?

Thanks for your help.


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