IMHO, that would not be a desirable change. That emoji (is it the [cyclone emoji]( looks so much like the at sign (@) that I’m not sure most users would perceive the difference. I think the whole point is to make the difference very—possibly even comically—obvious.

Apologies if I’m being obtuse here. I suppose that if the emoji were displayed as an image (e.g., 🌀) rather than a text character, it might work. But this seems to me like a case of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

Guillaume’s suggestion to make this feature customizable is nice, but I’d prefer that Benny spend his time on more important enhancements.


On 31 Jan 2021, at 8:46, Glenn Parker wrote:

On 30 Jan 2021, at 20:32, wrote:

Thank you everyone for the answers. Now that I know the reason, I think it is a great feature.

FYI if you change your mind about this feature, you can disable it with the following command from a Terminal:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmNospoofSymbolDisabled -bool YES

I found it distracting to always have a screen full of skulls because of the way my mailing lists presents senders’ addresses. Not every day is Halloween! 👻 Some other more subtle symbol (say the ꩜ emoji) would work better.

Glenn P. Parker

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