Dear Tj,

   You need to add `--header "#markup: markdown"` to the emate arguments



On 2 Feb 2021, at 9:13, TJ Luoma wrote:

> I have been trying to start to use
> /Applications/
> in conjunction with some scripts. So far it works very well, with one
> fairly glaring problem:
> When I create a new message with `emate` it is created as a "plain text"
> message, even if MailMate itself is set to default to "Markdown" for new
> messages.
> 1. Is there a way to change that behavior?
> 2. Other than clicking the "Plain Text / Markdown" just above the "From"
> line, is there a way (preferably a menu bar item or keyboard shortcut) to
> set a message to "Markdown"?
> Thanks
> ~ Tj
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