It would be quite complicated, if possible at all, to decipher HTML-dependencies on a fragment you selected. The situation is different when forwarding the entire email. You just need to clean up the fragment as you wishes.

On 7 Feb 2021, at 15:51, Dan Romanchik wrote:

Hi, Jeff—

Thanks for your reply. It does do this, but it only forwards the HTML code. For example, I wanted to forward a job listing from LinkedIn to a friend. I highlighted the particular job, and this is what MailMate decided to forward:

[](<>) | [Freelance Resume Writer- Remote](<>)

It treats that highlighted portion as text, not HTML. When I forward the complete email, it preserves it as an HTML email.

Regards, Dan

Hi Dan,

If you go into MailMate’s settings, click on the Composer tab you will find an option to Only include selected text. I think this does what you’re looking for.


On 1 Feb 2021, at 14:35, Dan Romanchik wrote:
One of the features that I do like about Apple Mail is that you can highlight a portion of a received email, even if it’s HTML, and forward only that part. I haven’t figured out how to do this with MailMate yet. Is this possible?


Dan Romanchik | Technology Writer and Blogger
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