On 8 Mar 2021, at 20:46, Jim Fenton wrote:

I would like to use Mailmate to access the IETF mail archive that is made available via IMAP.

That failed miserably for me when I tried it with MM, a few releases ago. MM isn't happy with a read-only server.

Some of the mailing lists (folders) there are enormous. Is there a way to add this server and subscribe to folders with Mailmate only accessing the latest, say, 5000 messages per folder?

No. People have asked about this repeatedly, but I do not recall Benny ever providing such a hidden feature, although I think he has engaged on the topic...

I think Thunderbird is the only general-purpose mail client that tries to manage a partial cache intelligently. When last I checked, it did so poorly, but that was years ago.

On a related topic, how much of the mail do I end up storing locally?

All of it, in a file-per-message directory tree, plus an index that is about 30% as large as the message store itself.

That's the price of searching multiple gigabytes and hundreds of thousands of message on arbitrary headers and content in a handful of seconds.

Is it just the headers, plus message bodies for messages I read, or does it pull everything down for me to read potentially offline? In this situation, I’m happy to sacrifice the offline capability to save time and space.

Storage is cheap. The time spent to download messages is a one-time cost, traded for the time you would otherwise spend looking for mail based on a limited subset of headers

That means that MM isn't ideal for how everyone works with email.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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