Thanks Bill for your reply. Indeed that was the problem. I had checked the 
alias and suspecting it, “fixed” it myself 
(GetInfo>Original>let-monkey-loose-on-keyboard). I should have known better.

All set up on Big Sur now and running smoothly. Many thanks.


- - - 

> Most likely because ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages is 
> (usually?) a symbolic link which points to the absolute full pathname of your 
> actual message store and that path does not exist on the new system. If you 
> had a "Custom Location" set for the Messages folder (in Preferences->General) 
> you may be able to fix the problem by switching it off, restarting MM, and 
> switching it back on. If you didn't have that set, you can recreate the 
> default symlink with:
> ln -sfn ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Messages.noindex 
> ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Messages
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