On 16 Sep 2021, at 10:41, Edward Thome wrote:

> On 16 Sep 2021, at 9:37, Raza Rizvi wrote:
>>>>>  This has been bugging me for a while, but as the subject says, using 
>>>>> Apple F is normally reserved to help find text matching your input. If 
>>>>> you have focus on a Mailmate message window, it collapses that window so 
>>>>> that it ends as a narrow window showing the red button to close the 
>>>>> window, with no text.
>>>>>  The only way I have found to return the window to any form of usable 
>>>>> state is to use Window/Zoom and resize it. On occasions eve this will 
>>>>> just make the narrow window taller in size.
>>>>>  I cannot find any listing of Apple F in the Mailmate menus, nor in the 
>>>>> keybinding files (in 5820), so I cannot work out what is going on, and 
>>>>> why.
>>>>>  Closing Mailmate and reopening it does not make the same mail message 
>>>>> return to ‘normal’ size, it retains its new narrow size…
>>>>>  Any suggestions?
>>>> It's just a bug: you can resize the window using the mouse but it is 
>>>> annoying as the separate message window size will stay like this until 
>>>> they're resized.
>>>> Charlie
>>> I see Cmd-F bound to the 'Edit->Find->Find...' menu item, and the shortcut 
>>> works for me (running r5820 under macOS 11.5.2).
>> Eric - you are correct, now I look I also see this. But that is clearly not 
>> what is happening. Apple F works in all other apps so it appears to be a 
>> unique failure to Mailmate.
> Just to clarify, because when I read Eric’s message I got the idea that Eric 
> was thinking what I originally thought…Command-F while viewing the message in 
> the Viewer Window.  However, there is a difference in how MM behaves if (a) 
> the message is being viewed in the Viewer Window (in which case Command-F 
> works as expected) versus (b) the message is in its own window (in which case 
> Command-F does what Ravi has mentioned).
> Ed

Ed, you're absolutely right; I just reproduced it.  And it doesn't matter 
whether you use the keyboard shortcut or the 'Edit->Find->Find...' menu item, 
it still collapses the window as described.

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